One stop solution
for all the
of your facility

Who we are and What we do?

Technical Services

Cleaning Services


Security Services

Pest Control
All integrated facility management services with Single point of responsibility.
We are Indian from the heart but our work resembles global standards.
We have an impeccable turn around time for all of our services right from deployment till delivery.
The quality of our work can be seen in the results. We deliver you with best quality of service.
Our services provide a complete end to end support and 100% deployement.

Certified Company

Certified Company

by IAF



ESIC - India

EPFO - India

DPIIT certified
Our Wide Range of services
Integrated Facility Management

Security Services

Smart Public Toilets (LooCafe)

Soft Services & Housekeeping

Hard Services and MEP

Mobile Bio Toilets

Landscaping and Beautification

And many more...
Explore in the Services section
Go to ServicesOur Tech adoptions
As A.I takes over the world we are optimizing our everyday operations by harnessing the power of A.I

Coming Soon...

We at Ixora are committed
to meet ESG & Sustainability goals.
We at Ixora have developed an ESG Policy which outlines our commitment and approach to minimizing our impact on the environment, supporting the well-being of our colleagues and communities, maintaining strong corporate governance, and our dedication to continuous improvement.
We prioritize environmental sustainability, pledging to reduce resource usage through technology, promote responsible procurement with like-minded suppliers, educate and motivate our colleagues to adopt sustainable practices and collaborate with NGOs, governments, and customers to drive positive change in the communities where we operate.